Users are unable to login to the Web or Mobile Clients when login authorization is enabled (FAQ)
When login authorization is enabled for a role, any user in that role will be unable to log in to the XProtect® Web or Mobile Clients.
Version: 1
Audience: Professional
First Published: 2019-9-13
Last Modified: 2019-9-13
Login Authorization is a feature that helps improving the security of the Smart Client. When enabled, users will not only have to provide their own credentials, they will also need an administrator to authorize their login, i.e. the administrator will need to provide their credentials on the workstation.
Login Authorization is role-based, so it affects all users in the role for which the feature is enabled (see the screenshot below):
If the feature is enabled, login to the Web and Mobile Client will fail with the error message "Incorrect user name or password" as shown below.
- XProtect Web Client:
- XProtect Mobile app:
Although the message is slightly misleading, the login failure that happens is intentional and its purpose is to improve the integrity of the XProtect VMS system. This is because the vast majority of Web and Mobile Client users are accessing the Web Client from outside the LAN network and they do not have someone with them to authorize the login.
If this is a required security feature, it is recommended to use the Smart Client instead.